If a warranty issue arises, report the issue to the dealer that you purchased your windows or doors from. Proof of purchase must be provided, the dealer will then determine if the issue needs to be inspected by them to see whether the issue is installation, abuse, faulty workmanship or a manufacturing issue.
If the problem is installation, abuse or faulty workmanship, the dealer / contractor should be able to rectify the issue directly with you. If your dealer determines the problem is manufacturer related, they will submit to Vinylguard a service request form outlining the issue.
A Vinylguard service representative will then contact you to confirm the problem and verify the information that was submitted. They will then make an appointment to come to your home and repair the problem.
If Vinylguard receives invalid information or proof of purchase cannot be provided by the dealer, contractor or home owner, the warranty claim may be denied.
If you have any questions concerning service or warranty issues, feel free to contact Vinylguard directly.